

Save energy this fall and winter with window film

Save energy this fall and winter with window film

Window film energy savingsIt seems that when it comes to saving energy with professionally installed window film, summer is the season that first comes to mind. It’s understandable, since during the warm summer months, unprotected windows are one of the major contributors to increased cooling costs. But did you know that there are energy savings to be had in the fall and winter months too?

During the cooler months, unprotected windows allow your precious heat to escape. This naturally forces heating systems to have to work harder and can lead to an unnecessary rise in heating costs. One solution to this problem is installing energy efficient window film. After all, who doesn’t want to add more insulating power to their windows?

How does it work? During the summer months, window film helps to keeps the heat out, acting as a reflector. But in winter, professionally installed window film locks the heat inside, making it a unique way to save energy and money.

Ready to add window film to your year round energy saving strategy? The team at ClimatePro are ready to help you get started.

